Monday, August 27, 2012

Breaking the Ice

One of my past students put this quick video clip together but ran out of creative ideas to finish it off as a movie. Your help is required to pull it together! Watch the animated clip several times. Come up with an idea to finish it off in a way that suits your learning style and interests. This will help preserve the clip in a meaningful way and will also allow your new classmates to get to know you better

For example, if you are a musician you might wish to compose and play a piece of music that suits the animation. If you are a poet, you might choose to write and present a piece of poetry which adds to the action in the clip. If you are an actor, you could narrate a story that connects with the clip in some way. If your interests are in science you might choose to prepare a scientific journal entry about your new discovery. There is no right or wrong way of approaching this task. Come up with an idea and go with it!

Basically, you are being asked to put together something that interests you that somehow relates to the video clip. This exercise might take you 30 minutes or 3 hours. It will depend on your idea and your commitment to this introductory activity. You will be asked to share your ideas on Friday morning.

Sounds like the wheels are turning in a lot of your brains. Here is a sample: