Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I.S.S. in the News December 19th

Search the following link for some interesting connections.

Follow this link for a more specific site related to Chris Hadfield.

And because I can't stop myself because this is so darn interesting, here is another related link.

Look for:
  • Canadian content
  • Musical content
  • Historical content
  • Science content
  • Mathematical content
  • Literary content
  • Political content
Add a comment referencing the most enticing part of your learning about the I.S.S. events from today.  Share any knowledge that you may have acquired elsewhere to add to our comments.

Also, if you have any questions or confusions, feel free to add them to help shape further inquiry.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Adding Decimals Khan Academy: Adding Decimals Tutorial After viewing, click on Practice This Concept.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Decimal Introduction

View the following videos:

Grade 5:  Today's challenge is to search around the classroom and the on-line Spectator for interesting and challenging decimals (ie. pi = 3.14159265358979).  In your math notebook, neatly record 10 of your decimal discoveries.  Please include what the decimal represents (ie. dollars, population, degrees).  Remember to date and title your work so that it is readily accessible for tomorrow's challenge.

Grade 6:  Today's challenge is to go on line to the Toronto Stock Exchange and look for interesting decimals.  Record fifteen of the most intereresting decimals that you discover on the Stock Market.  Be sure to record them neatly in your notebook including title and date.  Also, please include what the decimal represents so that we can easily follow up with this information tomorrow.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

United Way

Friday November 16th was "Paint the Town Red Day" at St. Andrew School. Thank you to everyone who donated money to an amazing cause that hits close to home.

Find out what United Way funded projects exist in Oakville.

Share a "DID YOU KNOW FACT" as a comment on the blog.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More Geometry Angles

I found this while searching a song called, "The Hardest Geometry Problem in the World". 
Check it out if you dare, but don't drive yourself crazy trying to solve!


More HINTS found at:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Complementary and Supplementary Angles

Click on the following site and learn about Complementary and Supplementary Angles.

Supplementary Angles:  Two angles that add up to 180 degrees.

Complementary Angles:  Two angles that add up to 90 degrees.

Click on the following site and practice new learning about Complementary and Supplementary Angles.  Go to the box that says YOUR TURN and work through examples.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Drawing a Parallelogram with Given Side Lengths

Watch the following video and then practice drawing parallelograms with given side lengths and angles in your math workbook.  Use the Exercises and Answer Sheet that are provided with the on-line tutorial.

Are you finding these on-line math videos helpful?  Explain.

Drawing Angles

Here is the tutorial that you watched during Friday's math lesson. 
Did you find it helpful in completing the assignment?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Geometry Introduction

Today we defined the term POLYGON.  We reached a consensus as to a working definition for the term polygon that will suit our purposes.  Did any of you discover a different definition that you also found useful?
Watch the video that will help reinforce learning.

Then you went on a hunt for prefixes that represented multi sided figures.

Please share some of your learning as a post.

Thanks K.P. for this helpful website:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Elevated to Sainthood

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has stated that the Native Canadian woman, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, is worthy of sainthood because of, "her life of exemplary devotion and sacrifice and because this fact has been reinforced by the miracles of healing that have been effected through her direct intercession".

Hundreds of faithful, representing all shades of the human rainbow, flocked together on Sunday in Bensalem to rejoice over the canonization of the first American Indian saint.

They celebrated Kateri Takakwitha, known as “Lily of the Mohawks,” with a Catholic Mass, American Indian song and dance and a procession around the St. Katharine Drexel Mission Center and National Shrine. The procession was led by volunteers who carried a 5-foot statue in St. Kateri’s likeness.

“It’s very deserving,” author Lou Baldwin said as he and wife, Rita, joined in the celebration. Baldwin wrote “St. Katharine Drexel: Apostle to the Oppressed” and “A Call to Sanctity: The Formation and Life of Mother Katharine Drexel.”

“Saints are supposed to be examples for us,” Baldwin said. “(Kateri) is a very good example of what a Christian woman should be.”

Kateri was born in 1656 near Auriesville, N.Y. Her mother was of Christian Algonquin descent, and her father was a Mohawk chief. Her parents and brother died during a smallpox outbreak when Kateri was 4, church historians said. The disease also damaged Kateri’s eyesight and scarred her face.

Raised by her uncle, Kateri recalled how her mother prayed to Jesus Christ, according to historians. She too wanted to become a Christian, but her uncle would not allow it until Kateri was a young adult.

After she converted to Catholicism with the help of church missionaries, Kateri was scorned and ridiculed by people in her village, the historians said. She fled to Canada to live in a settlement of Christian Indians near Montreal.

Kateri cared for the children and elderly in her village and helped convert other Indians to Christianity until her death around the age of 24, the historians said.

Pope Benedict XVI agreed in late 2011 to elevate Kateri to sainthood after it was deemed medically inexplicable by the Vatican that a 5-year-old boy was able to survive a flesh-eating bacteria attack. The miracle occurred in 2006, church officials said, after Jake Finkbonner’s family and Lummi tribe members prayed to God through Kateri’s intercession.

Jake, now 12, and hundreds of members of his tribe from northwest Washington state attended Sunday’s canonization in Vatican City.

“May her example help us to live where we are: Loving Jesus without denying who we are,” the pope said Sunday during the Kateri’s canonization. “Saint Kateri, (protector) of Canada and the first Native American saint, we entrust you to the renewal of the faith in the first nations and in all of North America.”

She was one of seven people canonized on Sunday. The other new saints are Sister Marianne Cope, Pedro Calungsod, Jacques Berthieu, Carmen Salles y Barangueras, Giovanni Battista Piamarta and Anna Schaeffer.

Kateri’s canonization is a moment of pride for many American Indians, including those who are non-Catholics, said Quentin Bear Fuller during the Bensalem celebration hosted by the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

“To be understood by Europeans has been our goal for many years of existence,” Fuller said. “I am very happy for her. It makes us proud.”

Sister Patricia Downs, director of the Drexel center and shrine, said Saint Kateri demonstrated her strength through her faith and belief in Jesus Christ. “She lived out her values strongly,” said Sister Downs.

It is that faith that brought people of all walks of life together on Sunday for at least one day, said the Rev. Bruce Lewandowski, the diocese’s vicar of cultural ministry.

“Let our prayer today be that we are united tomorrow as we are today,” Lewandowski said during the Mass celebrated in Kateri’s honor. “Let us live our lives by the example of the ‘Lily of the Mohawks.’”

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

Catholic Missions in Canada

With your assigned partner, using a map of Canada, find the following communities:
Kuujjuarapik, Quebec
St. Anthony, Newfoundland
Duck Lake, Saskatchewan
Cranbrook, Alberta
Baker Lake (Qamanit'uaq), Nunavut Territory
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories
Mayo, Yukon Territory
Fort St. James, British Columbia
Lynn Lake, Manitoba
Sandy Lake, Ontario

Do an Internet search to find out the population of each community listed above.
With your assigned partner, display the population information using an appropriate method.  (ie. bar graph).

Statistics Canada:
Information by Community can be done at:

Find out the main source of income for each region from PART 1.
What do all these communities have in common?
What provinces are not included in this list?

Sites that might prove helpful:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Who in the world is ?????

Joseph Kittinger

What's the connection?

Watson, the sequel!

Thanks to one of our keen students who is always seeking new opportunities to gain and share knowledge, here is a new link to follow related to Watson 2.0.  (Thanks T.P.!)

Just yesterday I read a fascinating news article with the headline, "Apps and iPads redefine medicine", which I'll share with you in class.  With the plethora of gadgets, apps and web-based information available to diagnose illnesses, decide treatment, and to obtain and share information, it begs questions about human connections and bedside manner. 

Is this explosion of technology in medicine a good or a bad thing?

I think I smell a debate simmering on the stove.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Newspaper Resource

Please follow the link to the Hamilton Spectator for our classroom subscription.

The class email address and password are available in the classroom so that all students have access to the electronic version of the newspaper.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Presentation Tools for Students

I would like to suggest that we independently investigate the following sites recommended by the 21st Century Fluency Project.  They are a variety of tools for everything from presentations  to animations and timelines.

Over the next few days, make it your goal to thoroughly investigate and explore one or two of the recommendations and report back to the class on your findings. 

Things to consider when reporting back:
Which site? 
How user friendly?
What are the positives?  Negatives?
How could it be used in the learning that occurs in our classroom?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

IBM's Watson

Time to think:
Discover more about Watson, an artificial intelligence computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language.  Watson was named after IBM's first president, Thomas J. Watson.
In 2011, as a test of its abilities, Watson competed on the quiz show Jeopardy!, in the show's human-versus-machine match-up.

Share your thinking about Watson.
What are the implications?
What further questions to you have about Watson?
What surprised you the most about this story?
What new information did you find most fascinating?
What else can you find out about Watson to share with us in a post?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pascal's Triangle

Do some further research to surprise, awe, entertain and inform us about Pascal's triangle. Stretch your thinking to use mathematical language and to make meaningful connections.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Structures and Weather

Share your thoughts on the video.

Based on your general knowledge about the effects of natural phenomena on built environments, how might this information help people who live in potential "violent weather spots"?

What considerations would need to be taken into account when planning the building of such unorthodox structures (ie. natural resources)?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fibonacci Numbers

Here is a taste:

Now, it is your job to find out more and share in a post.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Think Different (Apple Commercial)

Here is another look at the Apple commercial. Are there any more faces that you recognize?

Who would you have used in your version of the video ... the Wright Brothers ... Christopher Columbus? Why?

Whose voice would you have used to provide the narration? Why?

First Day Reflections

Hello everyone and welcome to the grade 5 and 6 (G ) class! It was very exciting to meet all of you today. I have a hunch that this is going to be a very productive and creative year.
One of my favourite activities that we did today was when I asked you to imagine moving pictures in your head to match the soundscape that I shared with you first thing this morning. Your ideas were all so interesting and different from each other! I bet Steve Jobs would love to have had your input when his team was pulling ideas together for this advertising concept.

CHALLENGE: Leave a post telling about your first day at school. For example, you could talk about your favourite activity and explain why you enjoyed it so much.

Words to Live By from Mother Teresa

Please read and learn the following prayer. It is one that we will say in our classroom this year.

Spread love wherever you go.
Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.
Be the living expression of God's kindness.
Kindness in you face,
Kindness in your eyes,
Kindness in your smile,
And kindness in your warm greeting.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Breaking the Ice

One of my past students put this quick video clip together but ran out of creative ideas to finish it off as a movie. Your help is required to pull it together! Watch the animated clip several times. Come up with an idea to finish it off in a way that suits your learning style and interests. This will help preserve the clip in a meaningful way and will also allow your new classmates to get to know you better

For example, if you are a musician you might wish to compose and play a piece of music that suits the animation. If you are a poet, you might choose to write and present a piece of poetry which adds to the action in the clip. If you are an actor, you could narrate a story that connects with the clip in some way. If your interests are in science you might choose to prepare a scientific journal entry about your new discovery. There is no right or wrong way of approaching this task. Come up with an idea and go with it!

Basically, you are being asked to put together something that interests you that somehow relates to the video clip. This exercise might take you 30 minutes or 3 hours. It will depend on your idea and your commitment to this introductory activity. You will be asked to share your ideas on Friday morning.

Sounds like the wheels are turning in a lot of your brains. Here is a sample:

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15th, Not Since 100 Years Ago ....

So, what does this video have to do with anything noteworthy that is scheduled to happen on June 15 2012?

Tell us what you know that is connected to this story.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guess What????

Magnified Images 
Take a close look. 
Write a poetic description.
Take some chances using using figurative language devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, alliteration and onomatopoeia. Have fun seeing things in new ways, using surprising comparisons.


Legacy Audio Music for A Closer Look

"Legacy", a special song written and performed by a special group of friends.

Magnified Images

Please share some of the images that you created in your Writer Notebook.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Shannen's Dream

Here is some very important Canadian content to add to you general background knowledge about human rights and responsibilities:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who are They?

God's work is clearly at work in each of the three spiritual leaders. Apply learning you did in class and your own extended research to comment on things that all three leaders have in common.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Word Dynamo

Check out this fabulous website recommended by our very own M.M.

Ontario Bar Association - Young Lawyers Division, Mock Trial, R v. QUIRKY

Important points to remember:
  1. There is no money on Muzak.
  2. No person on Muzak is required to pay for anything.
  3. Quirky was new to Toronto and did not know he was supposed to pay for the Game Boy.
Roles for the Mock Trial:
  1. Quirky
  2. Zirky
  3. Mr. and Mrs. Jones
  4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
  5. Constable Chen
  6. Mr. and Mrs. Noodles
  7. Crown Prosecutors
  8. Defence Lawyers
  9. Court Clerk
  10. 12 members of the jury
  11. 2 members of the press
  12. bailiff(s)
  13. artist(s)

Mock Trials

Here is an example of a winning Mock Trial Team. The students appear to be very well prepared for their roles in the trial.

I am on the hunt for examples of Canadian Mock Trial competitions.

In order to view the court system through a Canadian lens, it is important to review the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is legislation that governs state/police interference with each individual's rights and freedoms and it is the supreme law of Canada with which all other laws in Canada must conform. As Canadians, it is important to understand that each of us has legally protected rights and freedoms.

Incidentally, it was the 30th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on April 17th. You can watch Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau speak at the signing ceremony on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on April 17, 1982. The prime minister and Queen Elizabeth both signed the document at this historic event

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Boy's Huge Discovery!

Please use the following links in your research of The Dead Sea Scrolls. You are searching for interesting and relevant information that is above and beyond the brief introduction presented to you in class.

If you are confused, it is important that you keep reading and digging for more facts. The more you read, the more you will understand and the more relevant connections you will make in your own faith and other learning that we have done in class.

Share some of the most interesting tidbits that you unearth in your search! Also, share any connections that you make between your research and other areas of your learning. Also, include any questions or lingering confusions that you may have.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More on Short Documentaries

I found the short on stick drumming that I wanted to share with you. Have a look. Let me know what you think of this style of informative film making.

This one on a bread bakery also held my interest. What do you think?

Okay, I admit that I am hooked on documentary shorts! Here is another one you simply must see. I seem drawn to the drawing aspect of this one. It held my interest even though it was jam packed with facts and dates. Because its content engaged both sides of my brain, I remembered the information.

One more to see by Dr. Documentary. Again, engaging both sides of the brain to teach information. Humour works well in helping to remember things too!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Modigliani Portraits

Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani's (1884 - 1920)unique portraits are characterized by flat, masklike faces, almond-shaped eyes, and overlong necks.

Please enjoy browsing through our Modigliani influenced self portraits.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Writing Samples to Swoon Over

"... sky melted into the fabric of the sulfurous landscape, pelted with a plethora of small smokey fires as if a pyromaniac was given and flame thrower and fuel ..."

"... we saw floating building and hovercrafts. "What year is this?""

"The water around her was churning violently and the waves clapped in her face."

"The river caught him in its rifts, it pulled him under and dragged him into the current. When he thought it was over, sputtering, he reached for the branch but he then got swallowed up by the water."

"... tripped on a rock and fell into an invisible portal to another dimension."

"It was heart stopping. The jolt of my left leg and I was in the middle of oblivion. It sucked the life from my strangled skin. I landed in a tired thump! My dirty hands felt the warm and silky ground of the unknown territory."

" There I was reading my own (and awesome) book, "Attack of the Computers." Right at the part where Bob (person/Jedi) goes to the swamp world of monsters ... I was sucked into my own BOOK! "This is bad," I thought as the normal world absconded."

Monday, February 20, 2012

Grade 5 Student Poems

Bio - Poems
Please leave a comment !

Elias and Flora born a miracle.
They named him Walter
and he changed the world
The founder of Disneyland, determined
and strong.
Taught the world you
can never go wrong.
Born in Chicago Illinois 1901,
made a place where we can smile
and have so much fun.
Not a child of obedience and strictness
but a child of
art, drawing and fun.
On a farm to earn their keep
his parents worked in the sun.
Walter loved Mickey mouse.
He had a life, a family and a house.
Though they were poor, their minds were strong.
But after accomplishing
Mickey mouse his family went all wrong.
His mother died when he was 31.
They really missed her day after day a ton.
But they just kept going not
knowing which way.
However, Walt Disney accomplished
a life mission and made
a change to the world.
He made Disneyland
He made Disneyland
Walter Elias Disney will never be forgotten.

Adolf Hitler
A Life
by K. P.

Name in full state,
Adolf Hitler,
Nazi Commander
Child of rage and war,
sorrow and pain
Born in the darkest of times,
a creature from the devil.
Overcame a poor and troubled country,
rising to power and fame
Challenged by the Allies,
Personal traits of cleverness and evil
and insane in the head
Always hungry for power,
something he did achieve
Never admitted defeat,
even when all was lost
Lover of power,
pain and fame
Feared height,
and height alone
Who felt that he could defeat America,
he was wrong
Most know that he was commander of Germany,
little know he had a dog named Blondi

Charlie Chaplin in the Tramp
by A. M.

Charlie Chaplin, the son of Charlie Chaplin
The greater of great in love and art.
In his life, everything was down like drooping
trees in the frosty season of winter.
He never gave up in his life or people wouldn’t
know about him.
Hope was the only thing he could count on and it
He was in a death trap as he stumbled his way
up to the perfect height.
Music, Acting, Directing, how could someone with
a life of a poor person have this.
The Tramp was like a brother.
The Black Bowler Hat was sacred.
He was hated by no one and could do anything.
Then God was with him and ... Luck.

That is Charlie Chaplin.

Second Ones to Fly
by E. C.

Ground and air carefully separated by gravity. A rule meant to be broken,
but the Wright brothers always broke rules in school and this rule was no exception.
They were the second ones to fly through the air and yet they were bike mechanics.
How did this idea come upon them,
was it an angel, a message
no, it was a newspaper - it came to them in a paper.
When the first person to fly sort of flew but died. They then began a long journey to open closed doors that were miles away, not knowing what would happen.
They came up with a small model
they threw it and it fell.
It had a straight cardboard wing.
They then thought what to do and then they realized that they needed a special wing design to fly.
They knew that there are hundreds of wing design but they did not let that stop them
like a red light like most people
but they drove right through it. They tried countless designs
and then one day they found it.
Quickly they made a plane and it flew
but only because they were determined.

Jesus Christ
by D. P.
One amazing night
soon to turn into a miracle, a Boy was born
Not in an inn but a manger.
He was here, His name was Jesus,
the son of Mary and Joseph
He was the Messiah.
Not many people knew who he was
until many years later
when he started making miracles
to help everybody.
No matter the person, everybody was good
in Jesus’ eyes
although if you break a commandment
his temper will rise.
He did get crucified but for a good cause
to eliminate the sins
of the mean who broke the laws.
All of this started the Christian religion
form one baby named
Jesus Christ.

John F. Kennedy is Someone Who Never Gave Up

He was in the Navy
He always cared about his family
Never Gave Up
Lover of Jacqueline Bouvier
Feared Nothing
Who felt
He is the 35th president of the United States of America
His wife later remarried
He went to six schools before he reached grade nine
Not everyone knows, but he had four children, not three.
He had lots of serious medical problems he tried best not to show.
John F. Kennedy is someone who never gave up.

Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur, a French chemist
Louis Pasteur, invented pasteurization
Louis Pasteur, microbiologist
Louis Pasteur, born in Dole, France
Louis Pasteur, invented the cure for Rabies and Anthrax
Louis Pasteur, main founder of microbiology

Louis Pasteur

by L. K.

A lover of science
of adventure and strictness
and power
Sat under a tree
with a paper and pen
as he sat below
the apple tree
he felt a blow from the air
A song from above
a discovery of gravity
He peered up as the crimson
apple fell down through
the air
The clouds up above called the lord of science himself
He discovered gravity
he built the telescope to trace the stars
he named them and maimed them
with curiosity he called the heavens above
he made discoveries that
created ...
The Newton!
The power of force
gravity and course
he changed the history of the
Trojan horse
who fought
for the love of danger
or science the changer
of history or the manger
He discovered gravity and
power and lust
and the Newton!