Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I.S.S. in the News December 19th

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And because I can't stop myself because this is so darn interesting, here is another related link.

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  • Canadian content
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Add a comment referencing the most enticing part of your learning about the I.S.S. events from today.  Share any knowledge that you may have acquired elsewhere to add to our comments.

Also, if you have any questions or confusions, feel free to add them to help shape further inquiry.


  1. I was watching daily planet when they mentioned Chris Hadfield. (He is a astronaut) and it turns out that he will be the first Canadian to fly/ be the commander of the ISS! he flew off on Dec 19 2012 so he should be landing at the ISS very soon! during the time that he is on the ISS they will be running tests on humans concerning bone loss and how to stop it and other thingg like that.

  2. Really cool! I like how the rocket had a big launch. I.S.S. means International Space Station.

  3. I once was in a rocket takeoff simulator and it was super fun they must've loved it

  4. Did you know that the International Space Station is about the same size as an ENTIRE football field.

    Also, it takes fifty-two computers to control ISS.

  5. I looked more into the international space station and found out a few facts.
    1) The length of the space center is as wide as a football feild.
    2) As of 2012, there have been 125 launches in the space station since the first launch of the first model Zarya.
    3) The space station marked its 10th anniversary of continuous human occupation on Nov. 2, 2010. 4) The space station has been visited by 204 individuals.

  6. Did you know that the founder of NASA, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was actually the 34th President of the United States? Yes, he was President from 1953-1961, and created NASA in 1958.

    Did you know that the acronym for NASA is National Aeronautics and Space Administration?

    You all know that Neil Armstrong first walked the moon, but he and a man named Buzz Aldrin were the first two of twelve to walk the moon on July 20, 1969.

  7. Today, I watched a video of the I.S.S and it was abou how it is amazing how all different countries -despite their differences, came together to build the I.S.S. The connection I made was how whenever we are in groups, we always work together despite our differences and we work to achieve the goal.

  8. I found some interesting stuff concerning the world ending on December 21, 2012. The guys at NASA think that the world will defiantly NOT end in 2012. They said, "The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012." They also say, about the strange theories such as a worldwide black on Dec. 23, "For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none." There is many other theories, such as meteors, giant solar storms, and planet alignments, but they are also found to be false. The Mayan calender actually ends on Dec. 21, 2012, but I think they will have to pencil on some extra days when the world does not end on the 21st. I personally never thought the world was going to end in 2012 either. I think the world will end in billions of years, when the sun burns out like all the other stars.

    By: Adelia
    Source: NASA website

  9. That Guy You All HateDecember 19, 2012 at 12:13 PM

    I have a question about space. Are the people in ground control ever scared that the rocket will crash or launch to early?

    Anyways, i couldn't find out what he brought with him into space, :( but i did read that the crew will spend 147 days in orbit before their scheduled landing on May 14.

  10. I found one thing that I always wandered if it was true : The world will not end on Dec. 21. 2012
    the inside of a International space station looks soooo cool it has lots of clips to keep things in place and all the food there are in bags

  11. I saw a video where the way someone blessed the crew 34/35 before they left was; a person put a cross up to their head and got a brush and splashed water onto their faces. I thought it was interesting. Also space affects 3 main things; the brain, heart and bones.


  12. The mission started in the freezing steppes of Baikonur, Kazakhstan where the space shuttle Soyuz blasted of carrying Roman Romanenko(Russia), Tom Marshburn(USA)and finally Chris Hadfield (Canada). To survive outside of the ISS, these astronauts will need a space suit that provides one third of an atmosphere. Us Canadians are taking control of the ISS -Sebastian. Hadfield will be the last Canadian on board the ISS as the CSA(Canadian space agency)
    has used all of the slots given to it. Hadfield is flight engineer 1-Santiago

  13. The International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable artificial satellite in low Earth orbit. liked this tour of the ISS. I found that astronauts living on the ISS not that different from how we live here on earth, although i bet that our bedrooms are not as small and im sure we don't float. I also found that the way they drink water in space hilarious!

    If an astronaut is on the ISS too long their bone mass will decrease and in time that can turn into a big problem.

    I hope that I will be able to research further into this!

  14. i learned about washrooms. there is a very small toilet for poo and a vacuum for pee. at least there is a curtain for privacy.

  15. I was watching the rocket launch video on N.A.S.A'S website and it reminded me of when I was at N.A.S.A, Florida and real supply rocket got launched to the international space station.It was so awesome to watch the rocket get launched for real and not on a T.V or a computer. I think the rocket was carrying parts to fix a satellite, food, and tools so just simple stuff (except for the parts to fix the satellite!). while I was there I saw model versions of rockets that previously got launched.

  16. This is my second post, but I found some more interesting things I thought I needed to share, such as in terms of exploration, NASA's (current)goal is to send and land humans on planet Mars! I can imagine that this will probably happen in the next five years, with our rapidly increasing and already advance technology! (I mean, look how fast Apple keeps making new iPhones)

    Also, check out this link;

    It leads you to a page with NASA's request for budget. At first, you might read over and be 'Wow! This is ALL they get? That's not right.' Well, thats what I was like! Until you look in the left corner of the box, it says 'Budget Authority, dollars in millions'. So if you thought they only got $18,448 THOUSAND, it turns out they got $18,448,000!


  17. The Mars rover Curiosity is the first Mars rover able to scoop out the Martian crust. The rover’s “sample analysis at Mars” (S.A.M) detected Carbon containing chemicals that are important for life as we know it. This proves “The Viking”s” discovery, that Martian soil contains oxygen. S.A.M. also detected water molecules in the sand. Not unusual, but in higher quantities than expected. Could this be proof that life once existed, or does exist on the red planet? Could this harsh planet support a human colony? Stay tuned!

    Another thing that interested me was the parody of “Gangnam Style” called “Nasa Johnson Style”. Scientists are hip too!

  18. The Mars rover Curiosity is the first Mars rover able to scoop out the Martian crust. The rover’s “sample analysis at Mars” (S.A.M) detected Carbon containing chemicals that are important for life as we know it. This proves “The Viking”s” discovery, that Martian soil contains oxygen. S.A.M. also detected water molecules in the sand. Not unusual, but in higher quantities than expected. Could this be proof that life once existed, or does exist on the red planet? Could this harsh planet support a human colony? Stay tuned!

    Another thing that interested me was the parody of “Gangnam Style” called “Nasa Johnson Style”. Scientists are hip too!

  19. I found out that the mission of Chris Hadfield. It is to do science that can’t be done on the surface of the Earth. That is the core purpose of the space station. There are some very interesting facts that I found on the Baikonur space station. Baikonur has two Proton launch complexes, one for international launches, and one for Russian military launches,
    Baikonur Cosmodrome is the launch complex where Sputnik 1, Earth's first artificial satellite, was launched!
    Also it was where Yuriy Gagarin was launched off!!

  20. Dear Mrs. H,
    This is Meg from 2011. Hope all is well with you down in Oakville :)
    I heard about the BASEF and that St. Andrew would be going. Is your class going and will they be on the Discovery channel on Jan. 28?
    Thanks and miss you,

  21. Hey Meg, I'm thrilled to hear from you!

    Unfortunately, BASEF is for grade 7 and 8, so my grade 5 and 6s are not allowed to participate. Otherwise, I'm sure they would be keen to compete. They are currently working on some math passion projects. I have one group desperate to learn more about programming Java. You don't happen to know any Java experts do you?

    Meg, I think about you often and miss you too.
