Sunday, October 14, 2012

Watson, the sequel!

Thanks to one of our keen students who is always seeking new opportunities to gain and share knowledge, here is a new link to follow related to Watson 2.0.  (Thanks T.P.!)

Just yesterday I read a fascinating news article with the headline, "Apps and iPads redefine medicine", which I'll share with you in class.  With the plethora of gadgets, apps and web-based information available to diagnose illnesses, decide treatment, and to obtain and share information, it begs questions about human connections and bedside manner. 

Is this explosion of technology in medicine a good or a bad thing?

I think I smell a debate simmering on the stove.

1 comment:

  1. The explosion of tech in medicine is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time, good because then doctors can be more accurate with their medical calculations, bad because if they become to dependent on tech then if the tech malfunctions, because they haven't been practicing without tech then they might forget it altogether and then patient may pass away!
