Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Working with Words - Onomatopeia

Go on a hunt and tell us what you find.


  1. According to Thesaurus,it means to 'copy' or 'repeat'. Its a noun.

    First Post!(I hope)

    1. Don't you mean dictionary? you can't look things up in the thesauras

    2. PINEAPPLES1008, You spelt Thesaurus wrong!

  2. onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound of another thing

  3. an onomatopoeia is just noises like meow or roar

  4. an onomatopoeia is a word that refers to common noises that are not actually words (like animals noises Oink, Ruff, Meow etc.)
    it comes from greece, coming from the greek word ὀνοματοποιία

  5. Let me start with an example:
    Zip goes the jacket.
    This is an onomatopoeia because it sounds like a jacket zipping up. Some more words are, boom, bang, slash, slurp, gurgle, meow and wolf. An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like it does in real life. This used to start from the Greek work I make and the year was 1557.

  6. An Otomatopeia Is A Word That Is Used As A Noise (Eg. Meow, Boom, Woof, Oink, Ect.).
    It Comes From Greek νοματοποιία. It Directly Means I Make.

  7. Another one is examples in comics of someone doing something like Smack when someone is hit.

  8. Onomatopeia is a word that imitates or suggests the source of the sound...example: "the creeper went Boom." Boom being the Onomatopeia, the word croak is an Onomatopeia describing a frog making a noise with its throat, or drinking being "Dook Dook" it is used to imitate a noise of the source, maybe rubbing a dog together with a cat would make a "shook shook" sound depends on the writer and what he/she visualizes!

  9. Onomatopeia is a describing word that is also a verb. It is on "Rice Krispies". It is " Snap, Crackle, Pop!"


  10. a word that explains a sound(vroom).

    click clock click clock click clock went the horse as it walked down the cobble stone road.

    slurp slurp my drink went as i drank.

  11. an onomtopoeia is widley used in comic books or strips.

  12. onomatopoeia is just noises like oink,meow and roar

  13. words like SPLASH,KABOOM,KERPLUNK. there like words to show sounds that objects make like a dog going woof

  14. the word onomatopoeia was thought to be first used around 1577
    the word onomatopoeia means "word making" greece an example of an onomatopoeia is: snap goes the tree branch. Guess what it's a blabity word and sometimes is used to catch a reader's attention.

  15. a verb that describes a sound ex.
    the cow went KAPOW and he is a villan that makes random sounds *oink* and *moooo* or possibly *rawr!* i thought it was a description or something well i could be like
    *snap* *crackle* *pop!* they are easy to invent
    like *kashram!* or something

  16. onomatopoeia is an imatation of a sound or noise.

  17. here is an onomatopoeia joke:

    knock knock
    whos there
    boo who
    don't cry I was only joking

  18. Onomatopoia is an imatation of a noise. (Meow, honk. beep...)
