Monday, August 27, 2012

Breaking the Ice

One of my past students put this quick video clip together but ran out of creative ideas to finish it off as a movie. Your help is required to pull it together! Watch the animated clip several times. Come up with an idea to finish it off in a way that suits your learning style and interests. This will help preserve the clip in a meaningful way and will also allow your new classmates to get to know you better

For example, if you are a musician you might wish to compose and play a piece of music that suits the animation. If you are a poet, you might choose to write and present a piece of poetry which adds to the action in the clip. If you are an actor, you could narrate a story that connects with the clip in some way. If your interests are in science you might choose to prepare a scientific journal entry about your new discovery. There is no right or wrong way of approaching this task. Come up with an idea and go with it!

Basically, you are being asked to put together something that interests you that somehow relates to the video clip. This exercise might take you 30 minutes or 3 hours. It will depend on your idea and your commitment to this introductory activity. You will be asked to share your ideas on Friday morning.

Sounds like the wheels are turning in a lot of your brains. Here is a sample:


  1. I was wondering if i could add onto that video like the monster goes down a path munching up trees then a squirrel comes out etc.


  2. Hi Chuck! Great news that you discovered the new post!!! Please, add away ... I look forward to your additions to the video.

    See you soon!

  3. Hey! I miss this blog..... Who was the one that made this video, was it you Chuck? Too bad I'm not in this class though but I am still going to look at all the new things on this blog because I love it!!

  4. Hi Mrs.Henderson!

    This sounds like a great project!Will we be discussing it further in class?,as I am a little unclear about a couple of things.

    I can't wait to be with you again this year,but as a grade six this time.I think this is brilliant,so if this is only our first projects I can imagine that others will meet and exceed its expectations!


  5. I am a writer,but I think a 'Me' poem would be cheesy.
    Any ideas?


  6. Hey, we're back in business!! Great to hear from you.

    Hmmm... a 'Me' poem doesn't have to be cheesy, especially if YOU are the poet because you are definitely NOT cheddar, as in cheesy!

    Follow this link
    if you are looking for some kind of a template.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Definitely we will talk more about the assignment in class. Maybe if you have some ideas of your own, you could share them. The more ideas that we can come up with, the better!

  9. I love 'Monster Part Two' Ethan.
    Very Funny. :)

  10. Hello Mrs.Henderson! I've missed the blog over the summer and I'm so excited that it has started back up again!My parents found out I was in your class and i was really excited to have you again. For the breaking the ice challenge I wrote a Dr.Seuss style poem from the beasts point of view and I really had a blast creating it! It's one of my bests cause I had to make it rhyme but it's still great! I hope you enjoy it when I present it!



  11. Hello!!! I'm so excited to see you again. Can't wait to hear from the beast's perspective. See you Wednesday.

  12. I have made a monster part three and I have a trailer for it to!!

  13. Very cool Chuck, can't wait for you to share!

  14. what happenesd to the monster at the end did his top half get blown off or did he just fall apart?

    The most awesome guy in the world

    1. well he was supposed to lose balance and his head fell off

  15. is the head supposed to fall off?

  16. Very cool Chuck, can't wait for you to share!


  17. I think that this idea about this moster is great.
    our gruop is thinking on doing the journal on the discovery of the monster.

    1. thats fine but don't start into you see the second video

  18. That was cool I can't wait to learn how to make a video like that


  19. when is the next part coming out?

  20. Ha ha ha, nice video Ethan

  21. i loved my day today
    i loved putting in beads on the name tag!!;)

  22. What did happen to the monster at the end?

  23. A Fibonacci spiral created by drawing circular arcs connecting the opposite corners of squares in the Fibonacci tiling; this one uses squares of sizes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34.
    fibonacci mustbe really smart
