Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Think Different (Apple Commercial)

Here is another look at the Apple commercial. Are there any more faces that you recognize?

Who would you have used in your version of the video ... the Wright Brothers ... Christopher Columbus? Why?

Whose voice would you have used to provide the narration? Why?


  1. I thnk I would put Beethoven in it. The reason why is becuase beethovenis deaf and because of that people thought he was a mad, crazy kind of guy.


  2. In my version of the video I would have The Wright Brothers, Christopher Columbus, Albert Eisenstein and Pablo Picasso because they are like what this video is all about

  3. I agree with C.,but I also think Richard Dreyfuss did a great job defining this piece of work,mainly I'm a big fan of him! (JAWS star,sixth graders will get this)His tone is perfect!


  4. I get what you mean tpp and I agree with your choices. I wonder how many of the true geniuses were considered a bit odd at some time in their lives. It would be interesting to find out. Maybe we could add on to the information on the wall where it talks about Einstein, Speilburg, Edison, Honda and Disney and how they struggled in school?

    Also, I thought it was interesting in class when someone mentioned Columbus being called crazy because they thought he would sail off the edge of the earth. What about Copernicus who was kept under house arrest for going against the Pope. Does anyone know about that?

  5. Who else could we add? Talk about this at home and see who else we can add to the list.

    I think that I would include images of Jesus too. He was certainly considered a radical thinker!

    How about the Dalai Lama? He is also considered a political danger... all his talk about peaceful dialogue between enemies!!!

  6. yes there are many faces that I recognize and some that I don't. I recognize Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Frank Lloyd Wright, Gandi, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein and Kermit the Frog with Jim Henson.

    yes I would use the Wright Brothers and Christopher Columbus many took risks and achieved great things .

  7. I can recognize Gandhi, Maria Callas, John Lennon, Picasso, Einstein, Muhammad Ali, Jim Henson. I would add Mendeleev, Walt Disney, Shakespeare, Mother Teresa, Anderson, Van Gogh they all thought differently and changed the world because of it.

    Copernicus is also a great example because his different thinking helped him achieve his goal.Also Galileo who defended Copernicus' theory and also thought differently to make new discoveries.

    I think Steve job's voice will be a great narration option as he is symbolic figure of Apple brand.


  8. Nice job V.F. on recognizing so many faces! I wasn't sure anyone would know Maria Callas. Have you heard any recordings of her singing? I'm also impressed with your choce of Dmitri Mendeleev. I understand that he created the first periodic table of elelments. Do you know more about him that you can share? Did he face challenges for going against the norm?

    Perhaps we could investigate some of the accomplishments of the people in the video, especially for those who haven't been exposed to them before.

    I'm interested to know why you chose Anderson. Do you mean Hans Christian Anderson?

  9. I would have put in Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and Aung San Suu Kyi because they both argued against unjust treatment of people, and it put them in terrible danger.

    To narrate, I would have used different youth of the the world because they will have unique languages and stories
    and will be the next generation of consumers.

  10. I believe Mendeleev did face challenges. Though he was widely honored all over Europe his political activities worried the Russian government which led to his resignation from St.Petersburg University. Another example, the board of academics which was voting for giving Mendeleev Academic title vote against, because some of the members were too jealous about his talent and uniqueness.

    As for Maria Callas I have listened to her fantastic voice and I also read that she was called "The Bible of Opera".

    You are right I meant Hans Christian Anderson. To write amazing stories like he did a person requires to think differently and see what other people do not...

