Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SPACE JAM ... literally!

Watch both videos and leave a comment with your impressions. The story behind the song: Finished product:


  1. For the first one I thunk that it is pretty interesting. I like how the two of them are close friends and that they wrote the whole song together.

  2. Wow, this song was very amazing, and not just because it is a good song: because it shows how people can work together from anywhere. Also it shows how you’re never alone and abandoned, even in space

  3. For the second one I think that it was very neat that they included the local high school gleeks. I really liked that they did it one in space and one on earth.

  4. 18, 000 miles an hour. nice.

  5. I think that the song was amazing. I listened to it over and over but the the really cool part is how Chris Hadfeild sang from space! I mean to be in space is cool but to sing a sng live in space.that's amazing!

  6. That video was astonishing! I am a fan of the bare naked ladies and to see the main singer preform with someone in space was incredible. I loved every second of it. It made me wonder, what we can achieve in 50 years? There's some food for thought.

    A M

  7. I really liked this song. To me, it's one of those songs which you want to listen to it again and again. I also love the use of technology in this song. I think it is so cool how people can now record a song from space and earth. Plus I think for an astronaut, Chris Hadfield is a great singer.

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    Keep up the excellent work grade five and six!

  9. How much would like to be able to spin a guitar in space with Chris Hadfield?
    Nathan, would you like to jam with him? I bet he knows how to play Stairway to Heaven too, and who knows, maybe he's already halfway there!

  10. I think that it's amazing that technology has come so far. I mean, going to space is one thing, and being able to play a song from space with someone on Earth is amazing. If we are now able to communicate with those in space, which was science fiction around fifty years ago, I wonder whats going to happen in the next fifty years, or the fifty years after that.
