Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The World of Beautiful Numbers

Take some time to think about the work we did in class around the Fibonacci Sequence and watch the following videos. Write a brief comment about your observations, understandings and/or your questions about Fibonacci and his world of beautiful numbers.


  1. Amazing! The video was amzing and taught us alot about fibonacci numbers in nature! It is so cool how they are in sunflower seeds, snail shells, and in drogonfly wings and eyes.

    Colin and Matthew

  2. i realy like the curiocety video it's very intersting

  3. the video is so cool.
    there is so much fibonacci numbers even in nature.

  4. i realy think these videos are interesting in different ways. they both speak to me differently, but they are both simeler to each other.

  5. that was soooo cool! i love all the pictures in this video. aspecialy the sun flower. also this video was very inspiering. this video realy speaks to me. it says that you can do whatever you want to do no matter what other people think about it. also it was very cool to watch

  6. this video was gross looking but it did tell us about the fibonacci numbers. 1,2,3,5,8,13 ect

  7. The first movie of fibonacci numbers did an awesome job of explaining what the pattern of the sequence is and how it fits into nature. It is also kind of funny. We really understood the sequence of the fibonacci sequence better after watching the video. Amazing!

    Colin and Matthew

  8. The beautiful visuals make everything so clear! I like the song too. :P

  9. this video is really cool becuase it sound as if its a real conversation, plus new sorts of math patterns or sequences are intresting to me
