Monday, June 20, 2011

The History of Mathematics - the Need for Numbers

STEP #1 Watch the movie.
The History of Mathematics

STEP #2 Leave a comment including the following:
- 3 interesting FACTS taken from the video
- 2 questions generated from the facts
- 1 thing taken from the video that you would like to find out more about


  1. 1. Al Quarismi invented algerithms
    2.The Abacus was mainly used by wealthy people
    3.The tally mark was the first mathematic system

    1.Are algerithms the same as long division?
    2.Why did it take so long to invent zero

    1. How early were the numbers 1234567890 created? And were letters created around the time of the creation of tally marks?

  2. Facts:
    1. In cave man times, small clay cones were 1.
    2. Clay ball was 10.
    3. Big clay cones were 60.

    1. How did people get the idea of using knots to show money?
    2. Why did cavemen count seasons? Wouldn't it be easier to just feel the weather to know what season it would be?

    Find out more: I thought that the Greeks were a huge part of numerals? Where were they? I'm going to get a different video like this to find out how Greeks were a part of it.

  3. Facts:
    1) Some of the oldest human counting systems rely on fingers, toes, and other body parts to count. (I guess that's why SOME of us still count on our fingers!)
    2) The ancient Egyptians used unit fractions. They had a complex procedure of dividing everything over and over again.
    3) The Chinese called the numerator of a fraction the son and the denominator the mother.
    1) How many counting systems are there in the world?
    2) How many ways do different cultures display their money?
    What I'd like to know more about:
    1) There are many different number systems in the world. What do they look like? (i.e. the Egyptians had the coiled rope for 100)
    Posted By: MMM.

  4. Tallys were the first math ever and we still use them now

    early cultures had their ways of dividing things like food. If they wer going to share 3 loaves of bread among 3 people they would cut the first to loaves into thirds and then cut one of the thirds into fifths and then also cut the third bread into fifths which would tell them to give everyone 3/5 of a loaf

    it took them 1100 years until numbers had place value was created

    what did they use for big numbers like 904568 before there was no place value?

    does the way of dividing three loaves of bread work with any number of loaves?

    did cavemen actually invent tallys or was it just in the video to prove that they were invented a long time ago?

  5. FACTS:1 The way fractions used to be was like how the numerator was the son and the denomanator was the mother. 2 CAVEMEN KNEW MATH 3 Our number sytem originated from India

    SOMETHING I WANT TO RESEARCH: How the people of India come up with our number system

    QUESTIONS: How did the people of India come up with our number system? + What was the fist ever couting system?

    IRRELEVENT QUESTION: What is with that pychotic apple that tried to attack the guy's cart?!

  6. I really found it intrsesting how all cultures had different number systems. I never knew ancient Egyptians used there symbols ase numbers.

    FACTS:1: Cavemen tracked seasons
    2: Egyptians used fractions and big butcher knives
    3:Oldest human counting systems used fingers and toes

    1: why coulden't we all use the same number system?
    2. Why did the Egyptians use giant butcher knives to cut bread?

    I want to know more about the finger and toes number system

  7. FACT:
    1. The Egyptians used objects from their everyday life for symbols.
    2. The early Romans created the number system we still see today. ex: XI,IX
    3. Some of the oldest human counting system rely on fingers and toes.
    1.What is algorithm?
    2.Why was algorithm taught?
    1. I would like to find out more about the Egyptian symbols.

  8. -Cavemen slashed ticks onto stones or bones for seasons
    -Nineteen in roman numbers is XIX
    -It was 300 BC when 0-9 was recognized as a number system and took 800 years after that for 0 to be added to the back of the number to get 10
    -Why do cavemen need to track the season?
    -why did the greeks need to keep track of numbers?
    -what are some ather ways?

  9. Facts
    1) in some places (I couldn't find the name of a specific names of places) multiplication subtraction and addition to answer mathematics questions.
    2) caveman wrote 1 as a small clay cone, a clay ball for 10 and a large cone stood for 60.
    3) the symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0 weren't created until the 3rd century BC and it took another 800 years for the idea of 0 with place value to be constructed.

    1)how did they figure out that 0 can have place value?
    2)if the Egyptians wanted to divide 3 loaves of bread by 5 people the would cut the first and second loves into thirds then they'd divide the third loaf by fifths. finally they’d cut the remaining third of the second loaf into 5 pieces. wouldn't there be an easier way.

    I want to learn more about how they symbols 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 were created. if they were based on the Roman numerals or something else.

  10. -3 FACTS
    #1. The egyptians use objects for numbers
    #2. In old europe the abicus was the handheld calculatar
    #3. the cave people used rocks to count in big groups

    -2 Questions
    #1. Why didn't the egyptans use symbols like the babaloniens
    #2.why didn't cave men use trees as 1,000 or 10,000 ex...

    -1 more about
    what the objects the egyptians used mean?

  11. 1) Our number system came from India.
    2) A small cone was 1, a round rock was 10 and a tall cone was 60.
    3) Ticks were they first way of counting

    1) Was there anything else that they used other than rocks?
    2) Why did it take so long to invent the number zero?

    1) What did other countries use to count insted of rope like the egyptians?

  12. qustions:
    #1 how long was the time period until a new way of counting was used?
    #2 why don't we use a abuicus?

    #1 talleys started with cavemen
    #2 in China people used an abuicus
    #3 cavemen use rocks to show numbers

    one more thing i would like to learn about is why cavemen used different size rocks for numbers


  13. A)
    1. The egyptians used objects for there counting system
    2.People previously counted with string and beads
    3.You write nineteen in roman numerals XIX.
    1.Why did cave people use sticks and not anything else
    2.Why did they choose that zero was a place value
    C)calculators ;) LOL

  14. Any hunches of your own for those excellent questions that you asked?

  15. 1.Tallys came from cavemen
    2.nineteen in roman numerals is XIX
    3. before,a smail cone was 1, a round rock was ten, and a tall cone was 60.

    1. I wonder why... the cavemen only used sticks?
    2.I wonder took so long to invent the number zero?

    1.Did the cavemen REALLY use tallys, because I am not sure I believe that.

    ~ Annie1008
