Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Take some time to look at each of the following photographs.
Which one speaks to you the most and why?
Leave a comment to explain your thinking.


  1. Each photograph leaves me with different feelings. I didn't necessarily choose my favourite photograph, but I chose the one that made me the most curious and interested. It is the one with the bench. I really love how the beautiful shadow of the wrought iron takes on a life of its own against the pale wall. It almost looks like a flying bicycle propelled by angel wings.

  2. I think that the one with the winter tree is cool because it shows what shadows and snow is a difference from the shade and snow and the contrast is cool

  3. I like the one with the bench because its shadow looks different

  4. The picture with the girl letting the birds out of the cage is special to me because the girl looks like she feels free while she is letting the birds free:]

  5. I like the canoe one the best because even though it looks abandoned and old it looks like a little 4 year old finding treasure or even looking forward to another adventre just like we are at this new school like finding friends and learning new things
