Monday, October 10, 2011

Adding Each Individual Strength

The whole Body is fitted and joined together, every joint adding its own strength.
(Ephesians 4:16)

What does the message from Scripture tell you about the value of working together in our classroom community?

Where do you fit into the overall picture?

How do you assist in making things work?

Great posts by everyone who took the time and effort to think about the message taken from Ephesians.

I think you have expressed some excellent ideas about the importance of the scripture's message.
Your responses show insight and depth ... great reflective thought!

I'm thinking that the art idea in the picture is an interesting way to represent the significance of the message. I'm also thinking that we could do something like this in class ... or do any of you have a better idea that you could share with us?


  1. 1.I think that the message tells us the value of working together, and since everyone of us are different, we each add our own strengths and weaknesses to the Body Of Christ.
    2.The...mouth or neck, because I talk and laugh a lot.
    3.I try to contribute in helping create things and get them moving,(like in our play,SEE NAME) and want to be recognized as the person who helped, not the person who was sitting on a rock doing nothing.

  2. I think I would be the heart because I love to help whenever I can. I assist to make things work by cleaning up. I think this picture tells us we are one community and we count one each other to make things work. Also it tells us that we all have different strengths in doing different things

  3. The scripture says that every piece adds its own strength. This means every part of the human body is important and is needed.

    Everyone is different so no two people would fit in the same place would they?
    The human body is put together in extraordinary ways, I might be the hands.
    I like to feel things that I’ve discovered, it helps me learn about it. Well learning
    that way works for me.

    Well my parents always tell me I have a creative mind and I always like to think about things and follow them to their root. I like knowing every detail so I can understand it fully
    -Pie Guy

  4. I fit into the community by being helpful to others by assisting others in every day needs.

  5. 1.The scripture stresses that every person has strengths but to be a great person you can’t do it alone now matter how hard you try. Just like the creator of face book he didn’t come up with it he got the idea from overhearing someone talking. You can’t fight an army by yourself you would need a group willing to sacrifice there lives and willing to be a hero.

    2. The brain because I have interesting and innovative ideas.

    3.I come up with strategic and efficient ways to solve the groups problems!

  6. I think this scripture tells us that in the classroom we our one community and that no one should be left out. It tells us that there will always be a spot for you no matter how left out you might feel, and that in all those people who might look down on you, that there will always someone who cares about you. I think I could fit in the heart because I like to care for people and help whenever I can. I also think I could fit into the brain because I like to learn and always have a lot of things going on in my brain. I like to assist people when things don’t work by finding a compromise, like when both people give in a little.

  7. It tells me that we need to work together to make the class better learning environment.

    I fit in the overall picture as an equal to every one else.

    By helping people that are stuck on something or if they need help, help

    I think that the way they looked at it is just very different from anything else with the body it is just perfect.

  8. I think it is trying to tell everyone they the are all the same but all different. I think this because all the names are written in one body all together but every name is written in a different way and a different color.

  9. What I think about the post is that every body does work together to build a person. It is the little things that can totally change the way a person lives and continues to go through there days, and eventually teaches other people. I can really see in the picture that if you work really hard on something it will turn out good and you will feel good about it. Gemini01
