Friday, September 23, 2011

Let's Take a Crack at a Fermi Style Question

How long would it take you drive to the moon (if you could)?

Start asking questions:


  1. fermi is a man named Enrico Fermi.To learn more go to wiki fermi problem

  2. fermi was named after enrico fermi, fermi problems were justified guesses,for more information go to wikipedia

  3. at a huge 125 km per hour it would take about 6 months

  4. It would take about 58 houres and 28 minutes at the speed of 100 miles per hour to drive to the moon

    CC and Cass

  5. i know!!!!!!!!!!!...........i think. When I did the math I came up with 190000.

  6. It would take 3980.95 hours or 165.87 days if you drove at the speed of 60 mph.

    L.C. & N.M.

  7. What I found out about fermi is his real name is Enrico Fermi. He is Italian-American man that went to the university of Pisa. Born 1901-1954.

  8. you would take you about 160 days to get to the moon at 100 kmh but not counting earths gravitational force

  9. Last time I totally messed up but now I think I got it right... so I came Up with 17,298,000 seconds (yes in the millions), 288,300 minutes, 4,805 hours, 200 days, 28 1/2 weeks, and 7 months.

    These are all my answers.

  10. Here’s a quick answer. The average distance from the centre of the Earth to the center of the Moon is 384,403 km (238,857 miles) would take you 3844.03 hours if you are travelling at approx 100 km a hour.

  11. I like some of the thinking that I'm seeing!
    It is really interesting to see you go back and rethink the problem and refine your answer. Well done!

    I like the term "justified guess". It reminds me to pause and think things through before jumping to a quick answer. Sometimes there are a lot of steps to our thinking. That's okay ... afterall, the impossible does take a little longer...

  12. If you travel to the moon the amount of km to travel would be 356 334km [221 463 miles.] the farthest would be 405 503km [251 968 miles.] The average would be 384 392km [238 857 miles.]

  13. Good start Disco Girl, now keep going ...
    Based on your calculations, approximately how long will it take you to drive to the moon?

  14. I am not sure if this is right, but I got 6 monthes. I DON'T think this is right, so don't even bother telling me.


  15. The answer I found was this:It would take you three days,three hours and fourty-nine minutes going 100mph per hour.:)

  16. Interesting ... your guesses range from 3 days to 7 months.

    Time to prove or disprove answers.
